Lessons published in partnership with Jisc and The National Archives These lessons are part of a special series exploring computational analysis of large-scale digital collections. They are published with the generous support and partnership of Jisc and The National Archives. Criando uma aplicação Web interativa com R e Shiny Clustering and Visualising Documents using Word Embeddings Creación de aplicaciones web interactivas con R y Shiny Creating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification Interrogating a National Narrative with GPT-2 Scalable Reading of Structured Data Making an Interactive Web Application with R and Shiny Sumarização de narrativas acerca de eventos do passado documentados na web utilizando Python: o caso do Arquivo.pt Reconhecimento automático de manuscritos para o teste de idiomas não latinos La reconnaissance automatique d’écriture à l’épreuve des langues peu dotées