We Appreciate Your Feedback

Have you followed the instructions in a lesson meticulously and still run into an error? Thank you for taking the time to report a problem with one of our lessons. Your assistance is crucial for helping us maintain the best possible lessons!
We define bugs as: “An error in a computer program that produces an unexpected result or that behaves different from the instructions in a lesson.” Note that we cannot attend to errors caused by the user editing the code or changing materials (datasets, input files, etc.)
First, we ask that you check on our issue tracker if someone has already flagged the problem and, in such case, that you leave a comment. If the issue has not been reported, follow one of these options:
Please, do not create a Pull Request with the correction.
Option 1: Email
Send an email to our Publishing Manager.
Please include the following information in your message:
- The full title of the lesson
- The system you are using (Mac, Linux, Windows)
- Version numbers of the relevant software you are using
- The exact steps you took that caused the problem
Option 2: Open an Issue on GitHub
First, sign up for a free, personal GitHub account if you don’t already have one. Log in if you already have an account.
Then, go to the issues page of our Repository.
Create a new issue with a descriptive title and complete as much information as you can, following the prompts we provide.

For more information about GitHub issues, read the GitHub Guide on Mastering Issues.
Further Resources on Git and GitHub
Using Git and GitHub can be fairly simple once you get the hang of it. If you are interested in learning more and contributing, the GitHub website is a great place to start.