Individual Supporters

Thank you for your interest supporting Programming Historian. Individual donors are vital for enabling our continued work, and for helping us to keep our content free to readers around the world. With one in three of our readers living in low and middle income countries, you’re also helping to level the playing field, ensuring everyone is empowered to master technology and put it to good use, no matter where they live.
Your support directly enables the infrastructure that keeps our publications together. That means our volunteers can devote their time to maintaining our growing suite of lessons, and ensuring that new lessons are built to stand the test of time.
Ongoing Support
For $5, $10, or $15 per month, you can join our growing list of individual
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Single Donations
One-time donations can be made to the Programming Historian via Paypal, bank transfer (Lloyds Bank account number 55263268, sort code 30-96-26), or cheque (made payable to ‘ProgHist Ltd’ and posted to ‘The Programming Historian, c/o West & Berry, Nile House, Nile Street, Brighton BN1 1HW, United Kingdom’). For donations via bank transfer and cheque, we’d be grateful if you could write to us to let us know who you are and why you’ve chosen to support our work.
Organisational Support
If you work for an organisation that would be interested in contributing to Programming Historian’s success, please direct them to our Institutional Partnership Programme, which provides crucial support to our work.