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Institutional Partner Programme

A bird with a nest filled with eggs.

Thank you for your interest in the Institutional Partnership Programme, which provides the core support for the Programming Historian’s award winning open access publications. We cannot do our work without your valued support.

Programming Historian operates on a not-for-profit basis, publishing cost-effective diamond open access scholarship.

Joining our Institutional Partner Programme allows your institution to support a globally focused project. One third of our readers live in low and middle income countries, and that number continues to grow.

Partnership Rates:

Gold Tier

Gold Partnership rates are £3,000 GBP / $4,200 USD / €3,600 EUR / $5,100 CAD. Gold partners are offered the opportunity to collaborate with us to enhance their communities’ use of digital humanities tools and methods.

Silver Tier

Upper Income Countries Middle Income Countries ODA eligible countries
£1,250 GBP £400 GBP £150 GBP
$1,650 USD $600 USD $200 USD
€1,500 EUR €500 EUR €175 EUR
$2,240 CAD $700 CAD $275 CAD

Rates are due annually from the date of first payment and are set in October each year. For a quote in another currency please email Anisa Hawes, Publishing Manager.

Benefits of Membership

By joining the Institutional Partner Programme you will receive the following benefits:

Signing Up

To become a Institutional Partner, please email Anisa Hawes with "Institutional Partners Programme" in the subject line. You may include in the email any internal paperwork such as supplier registration forms. Your email should also include the following information:
  • Your Name
  • Your Institution
  • Your Preferred Method of Payment (bank transfer, cheque, invoice, Paypal)
  • Your Preferred Currency (if this is not listed, please ask)

Note that upon email with the subject line “Institutional Partners Programme” you agree to the following conditions:

  1. You must be the named representative of the institution whose name you enter.
  2. You are authorized to commit to expenditure of the institution whose name you enter.
  3. Once a method of payment is agreed and funds requested you will enter a legally binding agreement for the amounts specified.

All memberships are subject to the approval of The Programming Historian Project Team. The Programming Historian is an international volunteer-driven project whose financial activities are administered by ProgHist Ltd, a charity registered in England and Wales (1195875) and incorporated in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee (12192946). The purpose of the Programming Historian is to advance the education of the public in the humanities in particular in the use of digital tools and techniques and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results.

Want to Discuss?

We’d be happy to have a conversation about what we do and how we use your support. Drop us a line and we can arrange a virtual cup of coffee or tea.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What budgets do other institutions draw this contribution from?
    • Some of our partners have dedicated ‘Open Access’ budgets to support work such as ours. Others have ‘Development’ budgets or draw upon training budgets and then use our materials for training workshops. We are also able to invoice your contribution as either a subscription or a donation, as best suits your circumstances.
  2. Can you provide usage statistics for my university?
    • No, we don’t track users in that way, and we don’t have a sign-in system for readers.
  3. Will my contribution be used on a publication of my choice?
    • Sponsors contribute to the shared infrastructure used across all of our publications. By becoming an IPP sponsor, you strengthen the resources in your chosen language, as well as those across our offering.