PH Blog The Programming Historian blog is our space to share news about the project, ideas for how you might use technology in your work, and exciting examples of the Programming Historian applied in the real world. Subscribe to the RSS feed for new blog posts. May 14, 2020 DOIs Added to All Lessons Matthew Lincoln We’ve taken many steps as part of our ongoing work to interconnect the Programming Historian’s open-access, peer-reviewed articles into the larger scholarly ecosystem. In the past, these have included embedding citation metadata in our HTML so you can easily import them with citation managers like Zotero, adding ORCIDs for our lesson contributors, and making sure we maintained persistent URLs and redirects for all our lessons. May 4, 2020 Call for Editors Sarah Melton The English edition of The Programming Historian is seeking editors to work actively to solicit and edit lessons. These lessons should focus on providing humanities and social science scholars with the skills to interpret the outputs of digital methods, allowing readers to move from digital data to publishable research. April 1, 2020 First Newsletter of 2020 Jennifer Isasi April 1, 2020 Première newsletter de 2020 Jennifer Isasi April 1, 2020 Primer boletín informativo del 2020 Jennifer Isasi February 26, 2020 À nos amis! Sofia Papastamkou and Marie-Christine Boucher February 7, 2020 Marie-Christine Boucher joins the Programming Historian Project Team Sofia Papastamkou Marie-Christine Boucher has joined the Programming Historian ← 7 / 17 →