Amanda Morton

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use python with the Zotero API to interact with your Zotero library.

edited by

  • Fred Gibbs

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| 2013-04-01


| 2017-07-05


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This lesson has been retired

What does this mean?

The Programming Historian editors do their best to maintain lessons as minor issues inevitably arise. However, since publication, changes to either the underlying technologies or principles used by this lesson have been substantial, to the point where the editors have decided not to further update it. The lesson may still prove a useful learning tool and a snapshot into the techniques of digital history when it was published, but we cannot guarantee all elements will continue to work as intended.

Why was this lesson retired?

This lesson relied on the Python library libZotero, which is no longer maintained, and which now returns several errors when used. See further discussion about this retirement decision.


Lesson Goals

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use python with the Zotero API to interact with your Zotero library. The Zotero API is a powerful interface that would allow you to build a complete Zotero client from scratch if you so desired. But like most APIs, it works in small, discrete steps, so we have to build our way up to the complicated requests we might want to use to access our Zotero libraries. But this incremental building gives us plenty of time to learn as we go along.

What is Zotero?

Zotero is a browser-based research tool that allows you to collect and store content. If you are new to Zotero or do not regularly use it, you may want to familiarize yourself with the Zotero site and its helpful Quick Start Guide. Additionally, while you will not need it for this introductory lesson, we advise that you download the current version of the libZotero GitHub library and store it in the directory you have chosen to use for these lessons.

Installing libZotero

Using what you learned in the lesson on Installing Python Modules with pip, we’ll use pip to install libZotero, a python library that will allow us to interact with the Zotero API. To install the library, in your command line/terminal window (use Powershell on Windows) enter:

pip install libZotero

Remember that you may need to use the sudo preface and enter your password to allow the installation to proceed.

Zotero Hello World

Once libZotero is installed, we can use it to talk to the Zotero server using Python. In your text editor, open a new, blank text file, and begin with the following:

#make the libZotero library available
from libZotero import zotero

Once we’ve successfully imported the name zotero from the library, we can create and define a Zotero library “object” (zlib, in this example), which will be our means of creating a request for the Zotero server and returning its data. When we create the library object we will need to specify whether we’re accessing an individual or group library and include the Zotero library’s ID number. Depending on the type of library we’re accessing and the things we plan to do with it, we may also need to include an authentication key, which functions sort of like a password.

#create Zotero library object called "zlib"
zlib=zotero.Library('group','<insert group ID>','<null>',
'<insert API key>')

For this lesson, you can use your own group or individual library, or you can use the library we’ve created for this lesson at Programming Historian 2.

If you want to use your own group or individual library, you will need to retrieve your group or user ID and your own API key. If you use your individual library, you’ll also need to replace the word group with the word user in the above code.

Your group ID can be found by hovering over the RSS option on your library feed. The ID is the numeric part of the URL. Your group API key, if one has been created, is located in your account settings. If there is no key assigned to the group, and you are the end user, you can create a new key on the same page.

To use the PH2 group library, use the following:

Group ID: 155975
API key: 9GLmvmZ1K1qGAz9QWcdlyf6L

Once we’ve defined our object, we can use it to interact with the information in the library.

Retrieving Item Information

Zotero has parent items and child items. Parents are typically top-level objects with metadata, and children are usually things like notes and file attachments. For this portion of the lesson, we’ll be pulling information from the first five top-level items in our collection.

# retrieve the first five top-level items.
items = zlib.fetchItemsTop({'limit': 5, 'content': 'json,bib,coins'})

Your output for this step, if you are using our sample collection, should look like this:

value stored in cache -

Next, we can print some basic information about these items.

# print some data about these five items
for item in items:
  print('Item Type: %s | Key: %s | Title: %s' % (item.itemType,
item.itemKey, item.title))

This step should retrieve the item type (journal article, webpage, etc.), the key, and item title.

Item Type: webpage | Key: TK5Z4H9J | Title: Benjamin Bowsey
Item Type: webpage | Key: 3A2RWZ8A | Title: Y a t-il une
Histoire Numerique 2.0?
Item Type: webpage | Key: 79U2EACW | Title: Digitization
boosts access, collaboration, UCLA prof says
Item Type: journalArticle | Key: 39V7A2SZ | Title: History
and the second decade of the Web
Item Type: journalArticle | Key: JRCM2PM7 | Title: The
Pasts and Futures of Digital History

We can also pull the bibliographic information associated with our first five items:

for item in items:

Running this command will print the bibliographic content stored on the Zotero servers for these items:

<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;" xmlns="">
<div class="csl-entry">“Benjamin Bowsey.” Accessed March 29, 2013.</div>
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;" xmlns="">
  <div class="csl-entry">Noiret, Serge. “Y a T-il Une Histoire Numerique 2.0?” Contribution to book. Accessed July 21, 2011.</div>
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;" xmlns="">
  <div class="csl-entry">Rushton, Tullia. “Digitization Boosts Access, Collaboration, UCLA Prof Says.” <i>Chronicle of Higher Education</i>, January 20, 2010.</div>
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;" xmlns="">
  <div class="csl-entry">Cohen, Daniel J. “History and the Second Decade of the Web.” <i>Rethinking History</i> 8, no. 2 (2004): 293. doi:10.1080/13642520410001683950.</div>
<div class="csl-bib-body" style="line-height: 1.35; padding-left: 2em; text-indent:-2em;" xmlns="">
  <div class="csl-entry">Ayers, Edward L. “The Pasts and Futures of Digital History” (1999).</div>

If you are using Windows Terminal instead of Powershell and you get an error that starts with “UnicodeEncodeError”, see this explanation and instructions.

Now that we have worked through retrieving information using the Zotero API, we can continue to use it to interact with the items stored in our library.

About the author

Amanda Morton is a DH Fellow at the Center for History and New Media.

Suggested Citation

Amanda Morton, "Intro to the Zotero API," Programming Historian 2 (2013),

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