Peer Reviewing for Programming Historian (English edition) Thank you for your interest in contributing to Programming Historian as a peer reviewer. Reviewing for Programming Historian is a great way to learn new technical skills and engage with the digital humanities community. We're committed to an open peer review process: we encourage reviewers, authors, translators and editors to share their reports on our public GitHub repository. We do this to foster a collaborative, sustainable and fair environment for scholarship. We also make sure our reviewers get credit and recognition for their contribution, by including their names on the lessons we publish. We're seeking people who have availability to review a lesson within the next 12 months. Please note that we will store your details for the sole purpose of contacting you about becoming a peer reviewer. We will never share your details with any third party. You can contact us at any time to ask to remove your details from our records. ----- Name and Surname: Email address: ORCID ID: 1. We're interested in your expertise. In the fields below, please indicate 2-3 areas of specialism. These can be any particular digital tools, research methods, or programming languages in which you are proficient. - Area of specialism 1: - Area of specialism 2: - Area of specialism 3: - Any other areas of expertise you would like us to know about: 2. Which languages would you be comfortable reviewing in? If you would like to review in any other language, please take the time to fill in the expression of interest form in those languages too. - [ ] English - [ ] Español – Expression of Interest form: - [ ] Français – Expression of Interest form: - [ ] Português – Please email: 3. Are you available to review within the next 12 months? (If a lesson relevant to your specialism/technical expertise is submitted.) - [ ] Yes - [ ] No 4. Could we contact you about your availability to participate in future rounds of peer review? If 'Yes', we will hold your details on our records. If 'No', we will delete your details 12 months after receiving this form. - [ ] Yes - [ ] No ------- Thank you! If you have any questions, please write to the Managing Editor of Programming Historian in English: Alex Wermer-Colan []( You can also contact our publishing staff: Anisa Hawes (Publishing Manager) []( Charlotte Chevrie (Publishing Assistant) [](