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March 30, 2017

Two New Editors Join Project Team

Adam Crymble

Jessica Parr and Brandon Walsh have joined the Programming Historian

The Programming Historian is delighted to welcome Jessica Parr and Brandon Walsh to our editorial team.

They will be working with prospective authors interested in contributing new lessons to the collection.

Jessica Parr teaches at Simmmons College (Boston) and works on PLACE Project at UNH Durham. She is a scholar of the early modern Atlantic. She is interested in working with authors on geospatial lessons as well as textual-geospatial lessons.

Brandon Walsh is Head of Graduate Programs in the Scholars’ Lab in the University of Virginia Library. He’s particularly interested in expanding our offering in audio analysis lessons.

Welcome to the team to both of them!

Please get in touch with us if you’ve got an idea that touches on either of those research areas!

About the author

Adam Crymble, University College London.