As we approach the end of 2021, we are in reflective mode. We’re celebrating a long list of achievements: the launch of Programming Historian em português, the arrival of new editorial colleagues who joined our French team in January and our Spanish team in September, the recruitment of our first paid employee this July, as well as the success of calls for new editors to join our English team. We also have a greatly enhanced directory of open access lessons that serve digital humanities scholars around the globe. This work would not have been possible without the support of our individual and institutional supporters, to whom we sincerely say thank you, merci, gracias, e obrigados.
We are also looking forward to 2022. We’re excited about working with a growing community of scholars, educators and linguists to expand our lesson resources and further develop our educational outreach programme. Also to come during the next year, will be the 7 exciting new lessons on the subject of ‘Computational analysis skills for large-scale humanities data’, selected from proposals submitted this September as part of the open submission initiative we launched in collaboration with The National Archives of the UK and Jisc.
New Lessons
We are delighted to have published 10 new lessons since our last newsletter!
In English, Gabi Kirilloff’s Interactive Fiction in the Humanities Classroom: How to Create Interactive Text Games Using Twine which combines a discussion of the challenges and benefits of teaching game creation with a technical tutorial for Twine, an open source game creation tool. As well as Clustering with Scikit-Learn in Python by Thomas Jurczyk which teaches readers how to apply clustering algorithms to analyse and explore their own datasets.
Estamos celebrando dos nuevos tutoriales en español. Primero, Introducción a la codificación de textos en TEI (parte 2) de Nicolás Vaughan te enseña los rudimentos de TEI-XML para codificar textos. Y de publicación más reciente, Introducción a la publicación web de archivos TEI con CETEIcean de Gabriel Calarco y Gimena del Río Riande te enseña los pasos necesarios para publicar en línea un archivo de TEI usando CETEIcean.
Nous avons publié trois leçons traduites en français. Dans la leçon de Matteo Romanello et Simon Hengchen Détecter la réutilisation de texte avec Passim traduit par Carla Amaya, vous serez initié à la détection automatique de la réutilisation des textes avec la bibliothèque Passim et apprendrez comment traiter la sortie générée par Passim pour effectuer des analyses de base. Dans Installer un environnement de développement intégré pour Python (Linux) par William J. Turkel et Adam Crymble et traduit par Thomas Soubiran, vous montrera comment installer un environnement de développement pour Python sur un ordinateur exécutant le système d’exploitation Linux. Plus récemment, nous avons publié la traduction de Antoine Gourlay de Générer un jeu de données structuré à partir d’un texte océrisé par Jon Crump. Ce tutoriel présente des stratégies pour traiter la sortie OCR brute issue d’un texte scanné, l’analyseur afin d’isoler et de corriger les éléments essentiels des métadonnées, et de générer un ensemble de données structurées.
Em português, prenda a usar o R para analisar padrões de alto nível em textos com Processamento Básico de Texto em R de Taylor Arnold e Lauren Tilton. Ou, a lição Noções básicas de R com dados tabulares de Taryn Dewar ensina uma maneira de analisar grandes volumes de dados tabulares rapidamente, tornando sua pesquisa mais rápida e eficaz. Ambas as lições foram traduzidas por Diana Rebelo Rodriguez.
Também, nós publicamos Manipular strings com Python de William J. Turkel e Adam Crymble, e traduzida por Mariana Affonso Penna. Esta lição é uma breve introdução às técnicas de manipulação de strings com Python.
Research and Outreach
We have had a busy few months in terms of outreach activities too. In November, Sarah Melton, Riva Quiroga, Joana Vieira Paulino and Nabeel Siddiqui from our editorial team, spoke at Open Publishing Fest, where they discussed some of the unique challenges and opportunities we navigate to publish the Programming Historian as an open access, multi-lingual journal.
Meanwhile, with support from the Institute of Historical Research, Adam Crymble and Anisa Hawes offered a free workshop aimed at history and humanities educators. They shared three different methods for integrating Programming Historian’s practical digital tutorials into university teaching, based on approaches developed at University College London, University of Edinburgh, and Universidad de los Andes, including remote and in-person delivery options.
Jennifer Isasi and Antonio Rojas Castro contributed to a roundtable discussion, titled “Torre de Babel”, on the subject of multi-lingual digital humanities at the Association of History Literature Science and Technology (AHLiST)’s International Interdisciplinary Conference in Madrid, Spain, and have co-written an article titled “Sin equivalencia: Una reflexión sobre la traducción al español de recursos educativos abiertos” soon to be published in the journal Hispania.
New Supporters and Partnerships
As always, we would like to express our gratitude to our community of individual and institutional supporters. We’re pleased to announce that Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen, Germany as well as Purdue University, MIT Libraries, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in the United States have all joined our Institutional Partner Programme. Meanwhile, Monica Berti, Mike Bess, and Ajit Balakrishnan have generously pledged their support via our Patreon site.
If you or your institution would like to find out more about how you can empower our work, please get in touch with Dr James Baker, who manages donations and sponsorship on behalf of our Project Team.
Team News
This quarter, we welcome to Eric Brasil to our Portuguese editorial team. Eric is a Professor at the Institute of Humanities and Languages, University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony, Ceará, Brazil and is a senior researcher at the Laboratório de Humanidades Digitais da UFBA. Warm welcome, Eric – we’re looking forward to collaborating with you!
We say goodbye to Martin Grandjean, who has served as an editor on our French team between 2019-2021. Thank you, Martin, and best wishes with your next endeavours.
Lastly, with great pride, we announce that Programming Historian is one of three recipients of Coko’s Open Publishing Award 2021 in the Open Content category. Congratulations to all winners, and thank you, Coko, for recognising and celebrating the work that we do!
With best wishes for a restful year-end break to all.
About the authors
Anisa Hawes, Publishing Manager, Programming Historian.
Jennifer Isasi is an Assistant Research Professor of Digital Scholarship and Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Research Initiative at Penn State, and a PhD on Hispanic Studies.