PH Blog The Programming Historian blog is our space to share news about the project, ideas for how you might use technology in your work, and exciting examples of the Programming Historian applied in the real world. Subscribe to the RSS feed for new blog posts. April 1, 2021 First Newsletter in 2021 Jennifer Isasi March 22, 2021 Convocatoria para sumarse al equipo editorial de Programming Historian en español Riva Quiroga and Jennifer Isasi January 29, 2021 Publicação do Programming Historian em português Daniel Alves and Jennifer Isasi January 5, 2021 Programming Historian in 2020 Jennifer Isasi October 1, 2020 Third Newsletter of 2020 Jennifer Isasi Despite the circumstances, the Programming Historian team has continued to work slowly but steadily to continue our goal of offering lessons in digital methods for humanists, free of charge and in several languages. October 1, 2020 Troisième newsletter de 2020 Jennifer Isasi Malgré les circonstances liées à la pandémie, l’équipe du Programming Historian a continué de travailler certes à son rythme, mais régulièrement, pour poursuivre notre objectif d’offrir des tutoriels de méthodes numériques aux humanistes, gratuitement et en plusieurs langues. October 1, 2020 Tercer boletín informativo de 2020 Jennifer Isasi A pesar de las circunstancias, el equipo de Programming Historian ha seguido trabajando poco a poco para continuar ofreciendo lecciones gratuitas y en varios idiomas para aprender métodos digitales. ← 5 / 17 →